

What is?

It is a meeting platform for companies from Vallès Oriental.

What is your goal?
What is your goal?

The basic purpose of this Marketplace is to give companies in the region the opportunity to work together and establish synergies between them. This collaboration can make some of the company’s processes more efficient and, therefore, can reduce their costs.

What novelties does this Marketplace present?

In this new Marketplace, work has been done to be able to present the offers more clearly and facilitate their consultation by all users. In addition, it also incorporates a search engine to more easily locate what you are looking for, a list of registered companies and a section in which to publish an ad when the desired product is not found.

If I was already registered on the previous platform, how can I register on it and update my information?

Si ja estaves registrat a la plataforma hauries d’haver rebut un correu electrònic per tal de poder accedir al teu nou espai d’usuari. Hauràs de completar el registre, revisant les teves dades i actualitzant les ofertes.
Si no has rebut aquest correu electrònic pots escriure’ns a

If you were already registered on the platform, you should have received an email to be able to access your new user space. You must complete the registration, reviewing your data and updating the offers.

If you have not received this email, you can write to us at marketplace@vallesoriental.cat or by filling out the contact form

Who can register on the platform?

Companies or freelancers located in Vallès Oriental.

Who can post an offer?

They can only be registered by companies or freelancers previously registered on the platform.

If I am not a registered company or freelancer, can I make a specific request for a product or service?

If you are a user without registration and you cannot find what you need in the offers search engine, you can go to the bulletin board and specify your request. In this case, it is not an essential requirement to be located in Vallès Oriental.

What are the classification categories of companies?

If you are a company, you can consult the Catalan classification of economic activities 2009 and determine the category that fits your type of company. If you are an unregistered user, you can also consult this classification to find the type of company that fits your needs.


For any other doubt, question or suggestion, you can send an email to marketplace@vallesoriental.cat  or by filling out the contact form.

How it works

How can I find a company?

From the companies section, using the main search engine, searching in the list or selecting the main letter of the name of the company in question.

How can I find an offer?

Offers can be searched through the offers section of the website by selecting the section / division or from the map section.

How can I find an offer on the map?

Using section filters, by population, by home service or by type. The map section also has the same search for pro filters in listed format.

How can I register?

You can register by entering the ‘Register’ section, filling in the required fields. An email will be sent with your credentials to be able to access the company panel and thus be able to finish filling in the fields for the company profile and manage the offers.